Deep within the enchanting rolling fields, lived a young shepherd. His being was mostly untarnished, simple, and honest. His main role was mainly to care for his flock of rams.
Their soft bleating and the rustling of the wind among the solo tree on the peak were his constant co-dwellers. Day in day, looking out for his charges inculcated in him a feeling of calm satisfaction.
Yet, there were at times moments of isolation, when the shepherd boy would long for companionship. In one such instance out of sheer monotony, the shepherd boy orchestrated a troublesome plan.
Tales of predators prowling on sheep had been heard times and again in the village. So, the boy opted to leveraged this fear and played a trick on the townsfolk.
One day he dashed into the village screaming “Wolf! A wolf is preying on my sheep!” The frightened villagers rushed up the hills to help but found nothing threatening.
The boy giggled at the dilemma on their faces. This trick continued for a few more days. But, one noon, a real wolf actually come to prey the herd. The shepherd boy dashed for aid shouting “Wolf, Wolf!” But this time, no one showed up.
Frustrated and alone, the boy fought against the wolf but managed to protect only few of his sheep. Devastated, he went back to the town only to receive a reprimand on honesty and the consequences of dishonesty.
The story of here this shepherd boy has been transmitted generations as a mediaeval parable to teaching the significance of honesty, the implications of dishonesty and the dangers of crying wolf. Moreover, it highlights how trust once lost, is hard to earn back. It's a story as pertinent today as it was anciently.